Email server on Raspberry PI: a seven steps guide

With this first post I start documenting, step by step, the process of setting up an email server based on a Raspberry Pi card, using open source email programs like Postfix, MailScanner, ClamAV , and SpamAssassin.


The aim is to have a low power consumption email server that can run continuosly at home. This task is currently performed by my PC, with a Linux SuSe 12.1 operating system, and with an avarege power consumption of about 70W.


Another advantage is to leave the Raspberry Email Server functioning all the time when on holiday for longer periods of time.


This proces starts today with my purchase of the Raspberry PI card.


This is a list of the items purchased:



  • Raspberry Pi Type B Single Board Computer 512MB, £21.60
  • n

  • Micro USB UK power supply for Raspberry Pi, £ 5.19
  • n

  • 4GB Class 6 SDHC Flash memory card for Raspberry Pi , £6.49
  • n

  • HDMI cable for Raspberry Pi, £ 3.39
  • n

  • Raspberry Pi Type B Case – Clear, £ 3.99
  • n


Full cost, VAT include is £ 53.74


Clearly you also need a registered domain, a static IP, and a local nwtework that this email is servicing


As a navigation aid, here are all the seps required:



  1. Received the Raspberry Pi
  2. n

  3. Firing it up
  4. n

  5. Essential configuration
  6. n

  7. Tips & utilities
  8. n

  9. Postfix & POP3 servers
  10. n

  11. Secure POP3 with Stunnel
  12. n

  13. Protecting with Amavis/Clamav/SpamAssassin
  14. n
